
Here are the best 14 home remedies for beating those fall time colds!

So listen up Grand Rapids and we will boost that immune system to superhero status!!

1. Meditation
Meditation has significant positive effects on heart rate, brain function, stress reduction, and blood pressure. Research also has demonstrated that mindful meditation, or the practice of purposefully paying attention, has lasting positive effects on brain function and your immune system.

Imaging demonstrated an increase in activation in the left frontal region of the brain associated with lower anxiety, and blood work showed larger increases in antibody production in participants who meditated in the study. Meditation is an option for both treatment and prevention of colds.

2. Exercise
If all your symptoms are above your neck, such as sneezing, sniffling and watery eyes, then breaking out in a sweat is generally considered safe. Your immune system functions better when you exercise regularly and is a good preventative measure.

Walking, jogging, yoga, and slow biking are among the best exercises when you have a cold, while endurance sports, team sports, weightlifting and exercising in the cold weather are among the worst.
Exercise may help you feel better but may not shorten the length of your cold. If you are involved in strenuous exercise it depletes the energy needed to fight the virus and can make your symptoms worse.

3. Sleep
Lack of sleep has been linked to a laundry list of medical disorders from a negative impact on your immune system to dementia.
Sleep has a strong regulatory influence on your immune system and promotes the influence of cytokines stimulating the interaction between antigen-presenting cells and T-helper cells necessary for your body to fight virus infections.

When you’re sick (and even when you’re not), most people need between about 8 hours of sleep a night and plenty of rest during the day.

4. Nasal Saline Rinse
Although researchers can only speculate how saline nasal washes are effective in treating and preventing virus infections and recurrences, the fact is they are effective. Use only sterile normal saline water in the rinse.
Tap water can increase the inflammatory response in the sinus passages and carry parasites that can infect your brain.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Cold viruses increase the acidity of your body. To fight the virus, take a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar each day. This reduces the acidity and apple cider vinegar has acetic acid that helps prevent the growth of viruses.

6. Raw Honey
Honey has natural antibacterial and antiviral properties. If you suffer from a sore throat with your cold, raw honey is as effective as cough syrup or cough drops. Remember that honey is a natural sugar and taken in large amounts will adversely affect your insulin and leptin levels.

7. Chicken Soup
Homemade broth nourishes you from the inside out. The next time you make a pot of chicken soup, make some extra to store in the freezer. That way you can pull some out if you’re feeling under the weather and not up to cooking.

8. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has both antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it a great addition to your treatment and prevention of colds and the flu. Rub coconut oil over your skin. It is readily absorbed into your body and, as an added benefit, will soften your skin too. Add one-half teaspoon to your coffee or tea when you have a cold and cook with coconut oil.

9. Fermented Foods
The health of your immune system resides in your intestines. Fermented foods provide your intestines with a good variety of bacteria to support your immune system.

While fermented foods will improve the health of your gut and therefore your immune system, it often does not work fast enough to help reduce the length of your current cold. Eating fermented foods is a preventive measure for more than just a cold.

10. Lifestyle Choices
Other lifestyle choices that will help your body to heal from a cold are to eliminate or drastically reduce your alcohol intake and smoking. Both factors negatively impact your immune system, making it more difficult for your body to fight the viral infection.

11. Steam
Steam will not shorten the length of your cold, but it will help to break up the mucous secretions in your sinuses, reduce the inflammation in your nasal passages and help you to breathe better.

12. Stress Reduction
Practicing meditation or yoga is simple and effective practices to support your immune system and prevent other damage caused by stress. Diseases linked to stress include obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and gastrointestinal problems.

13. Hand Washing
Hand washing is a deterrent for infection by viruses and against further infection while you are sick. It will also reduce the spread of the virus to other family members, but it will not shorten the length of your cold. Remember that too much hand washing is almost as bad as not enough. Frequent washing strips your skin of protective oils, causing the skin to crack and bleed.

14. Eat Real Food
Eating real food and avoiding processed foods will give your body the necessary tools to fight a viral infection. It will also reduce the potential you’ll suffer a quick recurrence of the infection. Real foods are best described as those found in the outside aisles of the grocery store that require refrigeration to remain fresh.

Remember Education over Medication!! These are the best 14 home remedies and if you know any more please share by leaving a comment below.

Yours in Health,
Team at CCC

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