  • If you wanted to know how to make tasty and nutritious snacks that are all under $10 than you should have been here last night.  It was a blast and we all learned some great recipes.  Don’t worry!  Ask the front desk next time you are in and we will give you the recipes.  
everybody enjoying a delicious snack
everybody enjoying a delicious snack
Clear Connections Chiropractic healthy eating workshop
Healthy Eating workshop
  •  This months theme is healthy eating so this months basket and all of our workshops and classes will be focused around nutrition.  This includes our question of the week and that brings me to the answer of this weeks question.
Member appreciation basket
Member appreciation basket
  •  If you have 2 tsp. of sugar and 2 tsp. of cream to your coffee everyday, how much weight can the average person gain in one year?

A.  ~2 lbs.

B.  ~5 lbs.

C.  ~10 lbs.

D.  ~20 lbs.