What are the key nutrients of bone broth that enhance healing?
Other valuable nutrients include collagen, gelatin, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, glycosaminoglycans, proline, glycine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. These all help with the development of healthy joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons as well as hair and skin.
These nutrients are considered beauty foods because they help the body with proper structural alignment and beautiful skin and hair.
Glycine and proline are essential for connective tissue function which is the biological glue that holds our bodies together. Without them, we would literally fall apart. These two amino acids are essential for healing microscopic wounds throughout the body and they also suppress inflammatory activity. This is especially important for individuals with chronic inflammation or auto-immune conditions.
Bone broth provides the nutritional synergy to calm an overactive immune system while supplying the body with raw materials to rebuild stronger and healthier cells. This is why it is such a great healing food to have when the body is encountering stress from bacterial or viral infections as well as digestive disorders and leaky gut syndrome.
Yours in Health,
Team at CCC