**No Jiggle with Jojo!
Get off your keesters and come join us for some toning and sculpting. Spring has just rounded the corner, can’t you tell? Can’t you see yourself fit and toned for this summers cottage vacations and beach trips? Lets get started this Wednesday the 27th, please RSVP classes fill up fast!
and register at :
**Cutest kid of the week award
I know it’s early in the week for such a claim to be made so I challenge another expecting mother to deliver, come in for the kiddo’s 1st adjustment, and said kiddo must be cuter than this little girl. We’ll see….
We welcome baby Veda into this world and here is the precious moment in time she received her first Chiropractic adjustment.
**This nutrition Month in the office and here is your nutrition tip of the day:
Have nuts as a snack. Nuts are not fattening and are high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats and plant sterols which lower LDL cholesterol. Plant sterols are substances that occur naturally in small amounts in many grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.
**Question of the Week:
How many calories can you save by using 4 oz. of lean groud turkey meat vs. 4 oz. of ground beef?
- 60 calories
- 100 calories
- 160 calories
- 200 calories
did you get it right?
**Quote of the day:
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ~ Plato