Let us educate on the beliefs behind a creative genius!
Today we will continue to expand on this months theme at Clear Connections focusing on creating your masterpiece.
Belief in Self: A Creative Genius has full confidence and belief in themselves and their own ability.
Belief in a Higher Power: A Creative Genius isn’t necessarily religious in nature, although they can be. However, they do believe that there exists a higher power that helps spark the creative forces within their body and mind.
Belief in Learning From Every Success & Failure: A Creative Genius essentially does not distinguish between success or failure. Instead, they only acknowledge the feedback they receive.
The Proactive Actions of a Creative Genius
Proactive Learning: A Creative Genius fully understands that life is a process of constant and never ending learning and self-improvement.
Journaling: A Creative Genius keeps a regular record of their life experiences, learnings and questions within a journal.
Mind Mapping: A Creative Genius consistently uses a set of accelerated learning tools that help to build strong associations between seemingly unrelated ideas within their minds.
These Creative qualities are very much like muscles — they must be trained and built over the course of days, weeks, months and years. The more time you spend flexing these muscles and utilizing them, the stronger, more creative, effective and efficient they will become. And when you have these qualities ingrained deeply within your psyche, then your true Creative Genius Capacity will finally shine through.
Yours in Health
Team at CCC