
Many years ago, an Iranian doctor named Dr. Batmanghelidj, reported on the occurrence of asthma and allergies with states of chronic dehydration. Although the connection was plausible; the science had not been done to back up this claim. Today, more science has been conducted to look at this phenomenon and the relationship seems valid.

Both asthma and allergies are due to abnormal immune responses. Under both conditions, simple irritants cause massive inflammatory attacks that damage tissue. The key question is always: Why is my body not healing itself? The answer is always the same: Toxicity and/or Deficiency.

A common and easily addressed deficiency that is present in what is estimated to be anywhere between 80-98% of society is chronic dehydration.
Dehydration: All life began in water; even the developing fetus is surrounded by water. A water rationing system takes effect immediately in response to any form of dehydration. A neurotransmitter named Histamine becomes active and redistributes water throughout the body. Some areas of the body are obviously more important than others. The order of circulatory priority (an inborn triage system) is the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, and glands. Of least importance are the muscles, bones & skin.

Histamine’s responsibility is to ensure that these vital organs have enough water to function properly during times of dehydration. If the dehydration issues become chronic; then water must be taken from major regions within the body. Additionally, chronic dehydration can cause histamine to become excessively active leading to symptoms that are often mistaken for other disorders. The most common symptoms associated with dehydration and elevated histamine include allergies, asthma, dyspepsia, colitis, constipation, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches and chronic pain.

In addition, during times of chronic dehydration, the body will attempt to conserve water by preventing unnecessary water loss. A large amount of water is normally lost from the lungs as water vapor through expired air. Histamine, which also controls bronchial muscle contractions, may attempt to restrict water loss through expiration by constricting the bronchial muscles.

Mainstream medicine’s approach is to suppress the symptom; therefore, they give anti-histamines, which negate the bodies attempts to protect vital organ function. Regular anti-histamine use is now known to enhance cancer growth.

Optimizing hydration levels is one critical step in reducing the symptoms and overall prevalence of asthma and allergies as well as many other disorders. Be sure to drink pure, well-filtered (reverse osmosis/remineralized) water throughout the day. Ideally, one would continually saturate their cells with a steady intake of water, 4-8 oz every 15-30 minutes throughout the day with periodic breaks before and after meals. The addition of some pink salts loaded with trace minerals such as Himilayan Sea Salt will enhance the delivery of water into the cells and make up for any trace mineral imbalances or deficiencies.