
This is a geographically focused study in Ohio on doctors not cross checking patients prescription histories and as you can imagine this is a country wide problem! Moral of the story is that no one is responsible for your health but YOU. Knowledge is power.

Here is a good tool to check drug interations : http://www.webmd.com/interaction-checker/

“Many doctors not using site for keeping painkillers in check

Ohio doctors are supposed check patients’ prescription histories against a state website before recommending prescription painkillers, but an audit has found that some 12,000 physicians appear to be violating the policy aimed at stemming the opioid epidemic.

The crackdown comes as Ohio faces a drug overdose epidemic that’s been tied in part to the ease of access to prescription opioids.

Medical Board spokeswoman Tessie Pollock said the board’s priority will be the 45 physicians who apparently prescribed painkillers to more than 200 patients during the month without running the required checks.

The Pharmacy Board review found the top 25 physicians on the list failed to run the required report on a combined 7,500 patients. That included one doctor who prescribed painkillers to 705 patients in one month without running a single check.”

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A Safer Strategy then Opioids: http://www.f4cp.com/f4cp_opioid_white_paper.pdf
Full article: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/09/30/many-doctors-not-using-site-for-keeping-painkillers-in-check.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fmost-popular+%28Internal+-+Most+Popular+Content%29