How to Reduce Pregnancy Symptoms Naturally
During your pregnancy, you may become aware of common ailments and issues with your changing body. If your body is not cared for constantly and correctly, you could suffer from a misaligned spine and joints. Subsequently, other common changes in your pregnancy may include:
- Protruding abdomen and increased back curve
- Pelvic changes
- Postural adaptations
- Back pain
- Morning Sickness or Nausea
- Loosing of ligaments.
Be sure to keep track of any changes during your pregnancy and share any painful or nagging pains with your chiropractor. Many pregnant women experience different symptoms at different times during their pregnancy.
Exercise During Your Pregnancy
There are many positive benefits to safe and regular exercise during your pregnancy. Exercise during pregnancy helps to strengthen your muscles, prevent ongoing discomfort and improve overall wellness. Ideally, this means exercising at least three times a week but be sure to always remember to stretch gently before and after exercise.
As a warning, if you weren’t active before your pregnancy, be sure to check with your doctor before starting or continuing any exercise.
We recommend that you follow these simple rules when working out pregnant:
- Avoid exercises that puts you at a risk of falling
- Do not partake in exercises that increase your heartbeat to over 140 beats per minute
- Do not partake in strenuous activity that lasts longer than 15 minutes at a time
- Stop your exercise routine immediately if you notice any unusual symptoms such as: Vaginal bleeding
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Weakness
- Blurred vision
- Increased swelling
- Heart palpitations.
- Pain
It is important that you make your workstation in an ergonomically correct manner. Position your computer monitor so that top of your screen is at or below your eye level. It may also help to place a small footrest at your desk to help take pressure off your legs. We also recommend that every thirty minutes, you get up and take a quick walk around your office. Sleeping can often be an uncomfortable time pregnant women. It may help to alleviate discomfort if you lay on your side with a pillow between your knees. This will help to take pressure off of your lower-back. Lying on your left side allows for unobstructed blood flow and helps your kidneys flush additional waste from your body.
Health and Nutrition
You may notice your hunger increase with your pregnancy as well as strange cravings. Nausea can occur at times as well. We recommend that you eat smaller meals or snacks every four to five hours. Eating more frequently helps to squelch nausea. Snacking on saltine crackers will also help to alleviate your nausea.
You might also find that snacking on foods high in protein help to reduce hunger between sacking periods. It is necessary that you get at least 400 micrograms of folic acid a day. Folic acid has been shown to decrease the risk of neural tube birth defects, such as spina bifida. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any vitamin or herbal supplement to make sure it’s safety for you and the baby.
Schedule Your Pregnancy Chiropractic Visit Today in our Grand Rapids Office
Here at Clear Connections Chiropractic, we strive to be your best Grand Rapids chiropractors by aiding you and your health throughout your pregnancy. We have helped many women have a healthy pregnancy. If you are pregnant or are interested in finding a Grand Rapids Pregnancy Chiropractor call us today at 616-308-3606 or Contact Us By Clicking Here.