🏋️ Squat Challenge November 2022 🏋️♀️
The squat challenge for November!
Rev up your nervous system engines because we are going to put those legs to the test! 💪
All you have to do to enter the raffle is let us know that you are entering the challenge with an email, sked text, DM, or social media response.
At the end of the month, you show us your completed sheet, and you are entered, that’s it!
We educate on living the DREAM.
That stands for diet, rest, exercise, alignment (your neurologic chiropractic tune-ups!), and mindset.
A strong or weak nervous system will help or hold back your body with all aspects of life.
We have that taken care of with your regularly scheduled tune-ups! Now let’s work on those legs!
Use the accountability sheet that we provide to track your progress. ✅
Prizes? Absolutely! 🥳
What is a good challenge without some goodies at the finish?
We partnered with the top fitness experts in the community to provide resources and raffle prizes. We will be announcing more to come!
We are doing this as a tribe so yes that means the whole Clear Connections Team and anyone else in the community that wants to enter can.
Can friends and family join? Yes, it is encouraged!
It will help keep you on track and stay consistent.
May the odds ever be in your favor! 🥰